MEJN is implementing a 5 years social accountability project titled “Enhancing Social Accountability for Better Malawi Vision 2063-First Ten Years Implementation Plan (MIP-1) Results and Outcomes” with funding from IM Swedish Development Partner
The project aims at enhancing compliance and responsiveness by duty bearers in the implementation of the MIP-1 for development results and outcomes which will translate into improved better service for Malawi and societal change at large.
Main Goal:
- To enhance Social Accountability for Better MIP-1 Development Results and Outcomes.
Specific Objectives
- Increased knowledge and ownership of CSOs, citizenry, Communities, Community Structures and Media on the broader public policy thrust and objectives (MIP-1) and their supporting policy priorities;
- Enhanced Community-level Participation and increased capacity of CSOs, Citizenry, Communities, Community Structures to engage and demand transparency and accountability in public service delivery, in line with MGDS III priorities;
- Enhanced budget oversight and increased civil society, citizenry and Parliamentarian involvement in budget analysis (district/national MDAs) to demand, implement and monitor key MIP-1 priorities and their supporting policy priorities; and,
- Strengthened institutional capacity effectiveness in policy assessment and monitoring.
Expected results
It is expected that the local structures, CSO and Media will have a voice over the progress of the implementation of the (MIP-1) and put the state to task, hence while leveling corruption cases.